- 0
Upgrade to 1.15 and 1.16 Elixir version
#68 opened by pprzetacznik - 1
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :elixir_env.env_to_scope/1 is undefined or private
#63 opened by skull-squadron - 1
- 4
IElixer crashes after startup
#56 opened by AaronLain - 0
syntax highlighting possible?
#55 opened by josefrichter - 2
Can't build IElixir
#53 opened by enmasse - 4
Mix test fails with esqlite
#35 opened by ghoetker - 0
Example of using Boyle to initialize Ecto
#49 opened by rla3rd - 0
Publish new version to hex
#47 opened by NorthIsUp - 2
IElixir must be ran as root?
#45 opened by mdsmithson - 3
Can I start notebook just like "iex -S mix"
#43 opened by scottming - 2 failure
#44 opened by bjpcjp - 1
Support for windows
#19 opened by 30atm - 3
Pass config files
#38 opened - 6
mix test fails
#34 opened by acrogenesis - 7
- 3
Loading multiple modules with Boyle
#36 opened - 5
- 4
Docker container
#12 opened by cgarciae - 7
Loading external dependencies
#20 opened by Lida - 6
Setting tabSize to 2 instead of 4
#7 opened by kashifrazzaqui - 1
Can't compile on FreeBSD 10/11
#26 opened by yggdr - 0
Module required for defs?
#13 opened by dabro - 2
Jupyter Hydrogen Support?
#18 opened by beginrescueend - 3
error launching kernel
#24 opened by elbamos - 1
Pygments lexer name correct?
#29 opened by cdegroot - 2
Kernel not working in jupyterlab
#33 opened by clouds56 - 9
"mix test" is failing :(
#22 opened by 30atm - 6
Add support for Elixir 1.4.x
#28 opened by notexistence - 0
- 4
kernel crashing
#6 opened by mattvonrocketstein - 1
Does not work with elixir 1.1.0-beta
#5 opened by ulope