
R functions to upload, share xlsform and also download data from https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/ using new KoBo API (KPI) and also API V1 https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/.

Primary LanguageR


This toolbox contains R-script functions to perform several tasks using API for https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/. It supports the use of both older and newer API versions.

Functions defined in the file

Locate raw file in the github.


After loading the file, all functions will be available for you to use.

Download form/project list

url <-"https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/api/v1/data.csv"
d_formlist_csv <- kobohr_getforms_csv (url,kobo_user, kobo_pw)
d_formlist_csv <- as.data.frame(d_formlist_csv)

kobo_user <- kobo user account name as string (example "nnkbuser")
kobo_pw <- password for kobo user account as string (example "nnkbpassword")

Download data in CSV format

d_raw <- kobohr_getdata_csv(url,kobo_user,kobo_pw)  
data <- as.data.frame(d_raw)

form_id <- id of the deployed project (for example 112233)
For the project or form ID, you can download the list of forms available in your account using kobohr_getforms_csv function.

Check submission count for the project

stat_url<- paste0('https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/api/v1/stats/submissions/',form_id,'?group=a')    
d_count_subm <- kobohr_count_submission (stat_url,kobo_user,Kobo_pw)  

returns number of records submitted for a project
form_id <- id of the deployed project (for example 112233)

#you can check the number of records submitted before downloading the data
if (d_count_subm>0){
      #Example "https://kc.humanitarianresponse.info/api/v1/data/334455.csv"
      #do more here, for example save the data as a xls file.

Upload xlsform using new KoBo API (KPI), deploy as a project and share with KoBo user.

STEP 1: import xlsx form

  kpi_url <- "https://kobo.humanitarianresponse.info/imports/"
  kobo_form_xlsx <- "abc.xlsx"

STEP2: get the resulting asset UID

##Multiple attempts may be required until the server indicates "status": "complete" in the response.
#the import url is the resulting url from the step 1.
asset_uid <- d_content$messages$created$uid

STEP3: Deploy an asset

  d_content<-kobohr_kpi_deploy_asset(asset_uid, kobo_user, Kobo_pw)

STEP4: Share Asset to other user

### share and assign multiple permission
### create permission list as required.
#   'view_asset',
#   'change_asset',
#   'add_submissions',
#   'view_submissions',
#   'change_submissions',
#   'validate_submissions',
# )
permission_list <- c("add_submissions","change_submissions","validate_submissions")
content_object_i <- paste0("/assets/", asset_uid,"/")
user_i <- "external username" #kobo user account to share the asset         
for (permission_i in permission_list){
    d_content<-kobohr_kpi_share_asset(content_object_i, permission_i, user_i, kobo_user, Kobo_pw)

KoBo exports

Create KoBo data export and get the export list to pull data using the new KoBoToolbox API (https://github.com/kobotoolbox/kpi/). This is based on the code sample written in Python at https://github.com/tinok/kobo_api

Create Exports

To download the most updated data, create export, retrieve the latest export and download data

# set kobo server URL
# the kobo server URL is passed as global variable

# Reference https://github.com/tinok/kobo_api/blob/master/get_csv.py
# Get asset information

# define some variables
# These variables define the default export. Each value can be overwritten when running the `create' command
# e.g. `create xml 'English (en_US)' true'. It's possible to skip some arguments at the end but they need to be passed in the same order.
type <- "csv"
lang <- "xml"
fields_from_all_versions <- "true"
hierarchy_in_labels <- "false"
group_sep = "/"

#Examples to call function

Get list of exports

Use this function to retrieve the list of already creaded exports for a project identified by asset_uid

###---list exports----------------###


Get the latest export URL

To retrieve the latest export created for a project.

###---list exports----------------###