Code for the KiT 6502 computer

For more info on the KiT, see

Repository layout

  • lib/ contains libraries imported by other programs (e.g., for keyboard and display routines)
  • roms/ contains self-contained programs for flashing the EEPROM. The most important program is video-mon, which is the KiT's machine language monitor that serves as its main operating system.
  • prgs/ contains programs designed to be loaded over the serial port by video-mon, including mandelbrot, snake, preempt, and cooperative-multitask.


Download Kick Assembler from and minipro from

Add the alias:

alias ka='java -jar /path/to/KickAss.jar'

To assemble a program for flashing to ROM:

ka -libdir ../../lib -binfile source.asm

To program EEPROM:

minipro -p AT28C256 -w source.bin

To read EEPROM:

minipro -p AT28C256 -r rom.bin