
A Declarative HTTP Client for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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  • Builds Reusable Objects for Consuming Web APIs.
  • Works with Requests, asyncio, and Twisted.
  • Inspired by Retrofit.

A Quick Walkthrough, with GitHub API v3

Uplink turns your HTTP API into a Python class.

from uplink import Consumer, get, headers, Path, Query

class GitHub(Consumer):

   def list_repos(self, user: Path, sort_by: Query("sort")):
      """Get user's public repositories."""

Build an instance to interact with the webservice.

github = GitHub(base_url="https://api.github.com/")

Then, executing an HTTP request is as simply as invoking a method.

repos = github.list_repos("octocat", sort_by="created")

The returned object is a friendly requests.Response:

# Output: [{'id': 64778136, 'name': 'linguist', ...

For sending non-blocking requests, Uplink comes with support for aiohttp and twisted.

Use decorators and function annotations to describe the HTTP request:

  • URL parameter replacement and query parameter support
  • Convert responses into Python objects (e.g., using marshmallow)
  • JSON, URL-encoded, and multipart request body and file upload
  • Inject functions as middleware to apply custom response and error handling


uplink supports Python 2.7 & 3.3-3.7.

To install the latest stable release, you can use pip:

$ pip install -U uplink

If you are interested in the cutting-edge, preview the upcoming release with:

$ pip install https://github.com/prkumar/uplink/archive/master.zip

Extra! Extra!

Further, uplink has optional integrations and features. You can view a full list of available extras here.

When installing Uplink with pip, you can specify any of number of extras using the format:

$ pip install -U uplink[extra1, extra2, ..., extraN]

For instance, to install aiohttp and marshmallow support:

$ pip install -U uplink[aiohttp, marshmallow]


For more details, check out the documentation at https://uplink.readthedocs.io/.


Want to report a bug, request a feature, or contribute code to Uplink? Checkout the Contribution Guide for where to start. Thank you for taking the time to improve an open source project 💜