
Standard C++ and FastFlow implementations of an image watermarking application

Primary LanguageC++

Setup instructions in the report.



*-s src_path --- Directory containing the images to be watermarked. The processed images will be put in a newly created watermarked directory in the given source directory path.
*-w watermark_file --- Path to the file to be used as watermark.
*-c chunks --- Number of chunks to split each image into. It defaults to the parallelism degree if not specified.
*-n parallelism degree --- Specifies the parallelism degree to run the program with. Defaults to 1 - note that this is not equivalent as the sequential version as setting up a parallel computation presents some overhead.
*-p parallelism type --- Specifies the model to be employed, a value of 0 corresponds to a farm of pipelines and a value of 1 corresponds to a pipeline of farms. Defaults to 0.
*-i intensity --- Specifies the intensity of the watermark image. Ranges from 0 to 100, where 0 corresponds to a completely transparent watermark and 100 to a completely opaque one.

Setup & run

  • make
  • Sequential C++ version: out/./seqwatermarker -s "imgs/dataset5/" -w "imgs/watermarks/harambeblack.jpg" -i 30
  • Parallel standard C++ version: out/./watermarker -s "imgs/dataset5/" -w "imgs/watermarks/harambeblack.jpg" -n 1 -i 30 -c 1
  • FastFlow version: out/./ffwatermarker -s "imgs/dataset5/" -w "imgs/watermarks/harambeblack.jpg" -n 1 -i 30 -c 1 -p 0
  • Restricted FastFlow version: out/./middleffwatermarker -s "imgs/dataset5/" -w "imgs/watermarks/harambeblack.jpg" -n 1 -i 30 -c 1