
Some image thumbnailing daemon thing

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A node.js image thumbnailing daemon utilizing Smartcrop.js for content-aware cropping with vips (via sharp) for resizing+processing.

Originally forked from connect-thumbs but has since gone in a different direction.

(This is one of those ugly proof-of-concepts that ended up in production somehow.)

Installing Dependencies

scthumber is dependent on: smartcrop.js sharp

On a Debian/Ubuntu system:

yarn --frozen-lockfile --ignore-optional


See const thumber in scthumbd.js for now...


yarn scthumbd

Envrionment variables

Variable Description
DD_AGENT_HOST statsd host; defaults to undefined which sends to
DD_DOGSTATSD_PORT statsd port; defaults to 8125
PORT listening port, defaults to 4001.
WORKERS number of worker processes to spawn, defaults to number of cpus


The entire Docker section assumes:

  • Docker Compose V2 is used - replace docker compose with docker-compose if using Docker Compose V1.
  • using Docker Desktop - there may be differences in the base host image and how container networking is exposed with non-Desktop Docker or other container runtimes.

To just build an image:

docker build -t <repository_name>:<tag> .


The Docker Compose configuration is provided for development convenience. Usage for production or combination with other projects is outside the scope of the provided configuration. Builds for deployment should not be using the provided Docker Compose configuration.

Running for development:

docker compose up

will mount the local directory to the container; code changes will be reflected when the container is restarted. The container will accept requests on port 4001. To use a different port, provide a HTTP_PORT env, e.g.:

HTTP_PORT=8001 docker compose up

Overriding settings

To override settings inside the container such as the number of workers or listening port, it is recommended to create use the docker-compose.override.yml file with the extra settings. Docker will automatically apply and merge settings from the override file when running docker compose.

Local development environment settings should be placed in the override file.

To connect to an existing container network, specify in docker-compose.override.yml, e.g.:

    external: true
    name: osu-web


The node_modules used are not platform binary compatible - node_modules in the container will be mounted to a volume to limit it to the container by default.

While working in the container, dependencies should be updated via docker compose run

docker compose run --rm http yarn --ignore-optional

If you want to use the local node_modules, you can override the existing volume mount:


Common issues

Cannot start sharp

Something went wrong installing the "sharp" module

Cannot find module '../build/Release/sharp-linux-x64.node'
Require stack:
- /app/node_modules/sharp/lib/sharp.js

sharp downloads and uses pre-built binaries by default; these builds are not compatible between platform architectures. Reinstall the packages. When using Docker, it is recommended to have a node_modules volume local to the container.

Cannot connect to custom domain

This assumes the default Docker Desktop bridge networking is used and the remote host is accessible through the bridge network; different networking modes and container runtimes may require different configuration.

scthumber needs to be able to download the image source for thumbnailing. When using a custom internal domain, you may need to add a mapping to the container to resolve.

e.g. If osu-web.test resolves to on the host, it will also resolve to in the container

Getting the host IP address on the container's network:

docker compose run --rm http /bin/sh -c 'echo "$(getent hosts host.docker.internal)"' | awk '{ print $1 }'

If using docker compose, configure extra_hosts in a docker-compose.override.yml file with the format <hostname>:<ip>.

If using docker run, use the --add-host flag:

docker run --add-host=<hostname>:<ip> --rm scthumber

Missing Python when installing node packages

gyp ERR! find Python You need to install the latest version of Python.

The Docker image does not include Python, use the --ignore-optional flag to to skip the optional dependencies. Alternatively, the error can be ignored.