
Simple signal-based state management

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


📚 Documentation | 📊 Benchmarks | 🌐 Internet modules

  • Create tiny signal-based stores
  • Signal class to create your own signals


Module Installation

# using npm
$ npm install --save @internet/state

# or using yarn
$ yarn add @internet/state


import { createStore, Signal } from '@internet/state'

📬 createStore()

Create a new store containing StoreSignal instances

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - Frozen object containing StoreSignal instances

Param Type Description
state Object Initial state


import { createStore } from '@internet/state'
const store = createStore({
  value: 0

store.value.listen(v => console.log(`value is now ${v}`))

📬 StoreSignal

StoreSignal created by createStore. Inherits from Signal - See its API for listen / unlisten methods

⚠️ dispatch() method from Signal is removed and replaced by a set() method

Kind: global function
Extends: Signal
Returns: StoreSignal - StoreSignal instance

Param Type Description
initialValue * Initial value


storeSignal.set(newValue, [force]) ⇒ SignalListener

Change the stored value. Dispatch to all listeners the new value

Kind: instance method of StoreSignal
Returns: SignalListener - A SignalListener instance containing bindings to the signal.

Param Type Default Description
newValue * New value to store
[force] boolean false Nothing is distpatched if the value doesn't change. Set force to true to force the dispatch.

storeSignal.get() ⇒ *

Get current stored value

Kind: instance method of StoreSignal
Returns: * - Current stored value

📡 Signal

Kind: global class


new Signal()

Create a new Signal instance

Returns: Signal - A new signal

import { Signal } from '@internet/state'
const click = new Signal()
document.addEventListener('click', click.dispatch)

class Component {
  constructor () {
    click.listen(this.onClick, this)

  onClick () {
    // `this` is the component instance

  dispose () {
    click.unlisten(this.onClick, this)


Dispatches the signal to all listeners.

Kind: instance method of Signal

Param Type Description
[...arguments] * Arguments passed to each listeners (:warning: 5 maximum)

signal.listen(callback, [context]) ⇒ SignalListener

Register a new listener

Kind: instance method of Signal
Returns: SignalListener - A SignalListener instance containing bindings to the signal.

Param Type Description
callback function Callback function
[context] * The context to bind the callback to

signal.listenOnce(callback, [context]) ⇒ SignalListener

Register a new listener that will be executed only once.

Kind: instance method of Signal
Returns: SignalListener - A SignalListener instance containing bindings to the signal.

Param Type Description
callback function Callback function
[context] * The context to bind the callback to

signal.unlisten(callback, [context])

Detach a listener from the signal You can also pass

Kind: instance method of Signal

Param Type Description
callback function | SignalListener The callback used when listening to the signal OR The SignalListener instance returned when listening the signal
[context] * The context used when listening to the signal (only when the 1st arg is a function)


import { Signal } from '@internet/state'
const signal = new Signal()

// Using the SignalListener binding (better performances)
const binding = signal.listen(() => {})

// Using function
function listener () {}


Remove all listeners attached to the signal instance

Kind: instance method of Signal