
A cd command that learns... fast.

Primary LanguageOCaml


A small utility similar to autojump.

shelleportr's advantage is speed: with autojump, registering the current directory takes around 80ms on my computer. With shelleportr, it takes 4ms - fast enough for me not to notice.


configure, make, make install, or just copy the resulting binary somewhere.

Have the commands from the provided shelleportr.bash run as part of shell initialization, for example by sourcing the file from ~/.bashrc, /etc/bash.bashrc or similar.



Run shelleportr --help for arguments to the binary itself. In normal use, shelleportr is invoked from $PROMPT_COMMAND to keep tabs on which directories you frequent most often, and the j shell function searches this database and changes the current directory if a result is found.


  • A fancier match algorithm? Although main use is just searching for a distinctive substring of the desired directory's basename.

  • Score aging.

  • Dead directory prunning.