About Myself

Hi, I am a Ph.D. student of the joint Ph.D. Program of USTC and Microsoft Research (Asia). I am very fortunate to be advised by Professor Wei Chen and Professor Zhi-Ming Ma. I also work closely with Professor Ruoyu Sun.

Research Interests

The linear span of optimization, generalization and representation in deep learning.


Publication (* denotes equal contribution)


  • University of Science and Technology of China - Joint Ph.D. Program of USTC & MSR (Asia) (2021 - Present).
    Supervised by Prof. Wei Chen and Prof. Zhi-Ming Ma.
  • University of Science and Technology of China - Sc.B in Computational Mathematics.
    Supervised by Prof. Jie Wang.


  • Research Assistant - University of Sydney (2019.06-2019.09).
    Supervised by Prof. Dacheng Tao
  • Star Bridge Research Assistant - Microsoft Research (Asia) (2020.09-2021.08)
    Supervised by Prof. Wei Chen.


The photo is taken by my girl friend Xianyi Tao. We have met since we were high school classmates.


Email: bhwangfy@gmail.com