- atilag
- avramidisCambridge, UK
- bakerbrandond
- brt-v
- chiumichaelHong Kong
- davidtazyFrance
- dbonhausConcepts NREC
- eguiraud@proximafusion
- jefftrull
- joelgallant@cruise-automation
- kobi-caUS
- LucasThompsonLondon, UK
- lvictorinoMONKEYMOON
- martintb@usnistgov
- MattPD
- MatzeOGH
- natanaeljrNJR Software
- nicolasaunaiCNRS / Laboratory of Plasma Physics
- owoNew York University Abu Dhabi
- pkesteneCEA
- prince-chrismc@jfrog
- Quincunx271
- RealKCRomania
- regulrjoeMéxico
- rkargon@chalk-ai
- roycepipkins
- SLx64University of Greifswald
- sstsai
- steve-downeySoftware engineer @Bloomberg
- SuperWig
- vishwasm26
- WorkShoft@doitintl
- xaanimus
- xlaukoTrail of Bits
- xuyangch