
Zoom inline page images to and from their original location.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Smoothzoom A jQuery plugin to responsively zoom inline page images by Kevin Thornbloom.

##Demo Open demo in new window


  • Lightweight script
  • Zooms scaled down images, or wrap in an anchor to use thumbnails
  • Zoomed images will always fit the screen in the best way


  • Include CSS in the header.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/smoothzoom.css">
  • Include and call javascript in the footer.
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/smoothzoom.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		 $(window).load( function() {
        	// Options go here

  • Add rel="zoom" to any image you want to zoom
<img src="images/1.jpg" rel="zoom">
  • To use thumbnails, set the smaller image in the img tag. Then wrap it in an anchor that points to the larger.
<a href="images/3.jpg"><img src="images/3-THUMB.jpg" rel="zoom"></a>
  • Available Options:
Option Description Values
zoominSpeed Time (in milliseconds) the zoom-in lasts 800
zoomoutSpeed Time (in milliseconds) the zoom-out lasts 400
resizeDelay Check if window resized every X milliseconds 400
zoominEasing jQuery easing method on zoom-in (requires easing plugin) easeOutExpo
zoomoutEasing jQuery easing method on zoom-out (requires easing plugin) easeOutExpo

##Licensing Free to use and modify personally or commercially. Not for resale.

##Help & Feedback Connect with me on twitter.