

Primary LanguageC++

* holepoke overview
Allow a process, potentially behind a firewall, to register itself as a UDP server. Client processes can lookup the server by ID and then connect directly to the server.

server: The process that registers itself with holepoke and receives and ID.
client: The process that lookups a server address by ID.
holepoke: The introduction server.

1. Server Registration
server -> holepoke (assign an ID to my hole)
server <- holepoke (OK, here's your ID)

2. Through some outside mechanism, server communicates ID to client.
Sender could indicate the client it was interested in. The client then checks in and is immediately connected to the server. For sendoid, this would eliminate the out of band e-mail or chat message to communicate the server ID, but would require some configuration to pick who the receiver should be.

3. Client Check-in
client -> holepoke (where is the hole for this ID?)

4. Server tells peers about each other (either order could occur)
server <- holepoke (a client at this address wants to connect to you)
receiver <- holepoke (the hole is at this address and port)

5. Peers attempt to connect to each other.

* Building on OS X
1. sudo port install protobuf-cpp
2. make

To build in debug mode, run:
make DEBUGON=1

* Building on Windows
1. Download Google Protocol Buffers sources for version 2.4.1
2. ./configure
3. make && make install
4. Build NetworkHelper Visual C++ project