Automation Infrastructure Management Server

Primary LanguagePython

Automation Infrastructure Management Server

Running project

  1. Install python3 brew install python3
  2. Execute sh setup.sh to setup the environment
  3. Execute python3 aims/server.py to run the flask server
  4. Open to see the available services



  1. /services (filter out services not available for os)
  2. /androidlist
  3. /startandroidemu
  4. /ioslist
  5. /startiossim
  6. /listappiumserverurl
  7. /getserverlog
  8. /getadblog(post/get device id)
  9. /killallappiumserver
  10. /killandroidemu
  11. /killiossim
  12. /installappiumserver
  13. /uninstallappiumserver(post/get version)
  14. /uploadapk
  15. /uploadipa
  16. /listandroidapps
  17. /listiosapps
  18. /uploadmiscfile
  19. /listallfiles
  20. /uploadsimapp
  21. /deletefiles
  22. /streamdesktop (far fetched for now)
  23. /createdroidemu(post json)
  24. /createiossim(post)
  25. /reboot
  26. /showresultslist
  27. /uploadresultsto


  1. Change virtualenv+pip to pipenv.
  2. Create DB log (use flaskSQLAlchemy)
  3. Use libs (as much as possible, less reinventing)
  4. Write tests
  5. Publish the library in pypi
  6. Implement User level(no of device available, authtoken, rate limiter)
  7. Proxying WebDriver endpoint (too early to think)


  1. Install Json Viewer plugin if you are working with chrome/opera to get formatted view while development.