
Currently Hosted at http://pr4k.pythonanywhere.com/

Primary LanguagePython

Movie Streaming App Created for Assessment Task (Apli.ai)


You have to create a Movie streaming web app using the Django Framework. The app will have two types of users, an admin (only one) & some general users (multiple) Once a general user is successfully logged in, he’ll be redirected to the All Movies page. All the movies available on the platform will appear on this All Movies page in a grid format. Once the user selects a movie he’ll be redirected to the Movie Detail page. On the Movie Detail page, the user can play the movie and post public comments. All the comments on the movie must be visible to all the users


So the app contains

  • Login Page
  • Signup Page
  • All Movies Page
  • Particular Movie Page
  • Add Movie Form
  • Update Movie Form
  • A Comment Section

For images of each Section go to


Temporarily hosted at pr4k.pythonanywhere.com

Testing Credentials:


username: pr4k
password: root


username: maxs
password: check@1234

For starting the project:

# Create a Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv .env

# Source Env
source .env/bin/activate

# Install django
pip3 install django

# Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/pr4k/Movie-Streaming

# Install Requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Start App
python3 manage.py runserver

# Done
# Creating Super User
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
