
A wrapper written for sending SMS using Kookoo

Primary LanguagePython

The file kookoo_send_sms.py can be used to send SMS using the Kookoo service in India.
Please visit the Kookoo site (www.kookoo.in) for more details about the service.

Sending SMS using the Kookoo service can be done by making a URL call with the neccessary
parameters to Kookoo. This library is a wrapper written in a functional way to send 
SMS using the Kookoo service.

In the file, you'll have to replace your api_key (declared as global variables in the top of the file).

The method to send SMS is send_kookoo_sms which takes the following parameters-

- phone_no - The phone number to which you want to send SMS
- message - The SMS message 

The length of the message is also declared as a global variable at the top of the file. Remember that
the actual length of the message which you can send is governed by the telecom provider and not by Kookoo.

At the end of the file is a simple test case. You can replace the phone number with the number to which you
want to send sms and execute the file.

If you encounter any bugs or have enhancement ideas, please contact me at sidchilling@gmail.com

Thanks. I hope this will be useful for some people.