
Simple Flask Based ECommerce Cart System

Primary LanguagePython


Simple Flask Based ECommerce Cart System based on Redis, Flask, Postgres


Login with facebook

Add Coupon Code

   import app
   c = models.Coupon(id="flat20",name="Flat 20% off on plastic goods",multiplier=0.8,upto = 0, flatoff = 0)
   p = models.Product.get(id=1)

Add/Remove/Change number of Products to Cart

Has the following APIs

  • /api/crudproducts with methods POST, PUT and DELETE

    • Add products with attributes name, price and quantity
    • Update product with attribute id
    • Can update the following fields with optional attributes name, price and quantity
  • /api/updatecart with methods POST

    • Update cart with attributes sessionid (sid), productid (pid)
    • Optional attribute extrattribute (v)
      • Default value of '' means, that it will increment the current cart value of the product by +1
      • Set the value of v as delete, if you want to remove the product from cart
      • Set value to a natural number, to add that number of products in the cart
  • /api/viewcart/ with methods GET

    • View cart of a given session by using the attribute

It handles

  • The rare possibility that, a product is in cart and it got deleted from the backend
  • The case where a product was in stock when it was added, but later was removed from stock
  • The case where a n values of product was in stock, but later value of n had reduced, it auto updates the GUI cart to that lower value of n, in API it returns out of stock

What can be improved

  • Add requirements.txt for quick installation
  • Use coupon values in API cart (avoided because coupons weren't required)
  • When a person who has not logged in, adds products to the cart and then logins via facebook, his cart is lost as sessionid changes (avoided because authentication wasn't required)
  • Add API for setting up the coupon system (avoided for the reason mentioned above)

How to complete an order

  • Get cart details by /api/viewcart/XXXX (XXXX is sessionid)
  • Iterate over the products (say p's) in the cart and get value of p.instock (which tells how many products were in stock at the time of order)
  • Update value of each product using PUT /api/updatecart/ with the following json data {sid:XXXX,pid:p,v:(p.instock - p.incart))


virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

 //INSTALL THE REQUIRED LIBRARIES (flask_sqlalchemy, flask_redis...etc)
 //SETUP config
python db create_db.py
python db_migrate