
some algorithm and code of numerical method

Primary LanguageC++


some algorithm and code of numerical method

Algorithm: Bisection Method

  1. Start

  2. Function Definition function f(x) - Define the function for which you want to find the root.

  3. Function bisection(a, b, error) Input: a, b (interval [a, b] where the root lies), error (desired precision) Output: c (the estimated root)

    3.1. Check

    if( f(a) * f(b) >= 0){
            print "Error: One of the interval endpoints must be negative.";
             Return NaN (Not a Number).

    3.3. Set c = a

    3.4. While (b - a) / b >= error:

    3.4.1. Set c = (a + b) / 2
    3.4.2. Check if f(c) == 0.0:
           If true, break the loop.
    3.4.3. Else if f(c) * f(a) < 0:
           Set b = c
    3.4.4. Else:
           Set a = c

    3.5. Return c as the estimated root.

  4. Function Main()

    4.1. Declare variables a, b, error, and root.

    4.2. Input interval [a, b] and the desired precision (error).

    4.3. Call the bisection function with arguments a, b, and error, and store the result in root.

    4.4. Check if the result is a valid number (not NaN).

    4.4.1. If true, print "Root = " + root.
    4.4.2. Else, print "Error."
  5. End

Horner's Rule:

Horner's rule for polynomial division is an algorithm used to simplify the process of evaluating the polynomial f(x) at a certain value X=X0 by dividing the polynomial into monomials (polynomial of 1st degree). Each monomial involves a maximum of 1 multiplication and 1 addition. The result of 1 monomial is added to the result obtained from the next monomial.


  1. Start

  2. Enter the degree of polynomial, say n.

  3. Enter the value at which the polynomial is to be evaluated.

  4. Enter the coefficient of the equation.

  5. initially, set bn = an;

  6. while(n>0){ bn-1 = an-1 + bn*x }

  7. print(bn);

Algorithm For Lagrange’s interpolation

  1. start
  2. read the no.of data, say n.
  3. read the value at which value is needed, say y.
  4. read the avilable data points x and f(x).
  5. perform,
for( i=0; i<n; i++){
    for(j=0; j<n; j++){
          L[i] = L[i] + (y - x[j]) / (x[i]-x[j])

  1. then,
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
    sum = sum + L[i] * f[i];

  1. print interpolation value "sum" at y.