NodeJS-Day-1-Task-NodeJS File System

👀 It contains NodeJS File System - using Express server 👀

📬📬 Created Get & Post Endpoints 📬📬

⏰⏲ Current Date & Time Displayed ⏰⏲

🥇🥇🥇 Completed My Task 🥇🥇🥇


Kindly see my Answers in the npm run dev for kind attention Or 

Use an app called "Postman"   Or

Enter this link into the app called "Postman"

GET  👉👉👉

                 "message": "Successfully The Current Date & Time Displayed",
                 "datetime": "2023-12-19T17:53:48.959Z"

POST 👉👉👉

                 "id" : 1,
                 "content" : "Post End Points Created",
                 "import"  : true

                 "message": "Successfully The File Is Post",
                 "fileName": "current date-time_post.txt",
                 "datetime": "2023-12-19T17:55:57.743Z"
