
ClusterBanksy throws error: "REAL() can only be applied to a 'numeric', not a 'NULL'"

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ClusterBanksy throws error:

REAL() can only be applied to a 'numeric', not a 'NULL'

This is due to a breaking change from the igraph package (version 1.5.0).
Read more here:

The package maintainers are working to upgrade Banksy for compatibility with igraph 1.5.0.

In the meantime, this error can be avoided by installing an older version of igraph (< 1.5.0):

  1. Download source:
  2. Install as follows: install.packages('igraph_X.Y.Z.tar.gz', type='source', repos=NULL)

This is caused by the leidenAlg package. If you upgrade to leidenAlg 1.1.0, the problem should go away.

Thanks @szhorvat for the pointer! We'll set a minimum version requirement on leidenAlg in the next package update.