

Welcome to the GeminiConvoBot project! This bot leverages the latest in conversational AI to provide responsive and intelligent interactions. Below you'll find information about the project, images to illustrate its capabilities, and common Git commands to get you started.

Project Description

GeminiConvoBot is designed to facilitate dynamic and natural conversations. Utilizing advanced models like BERT, GPT, and T5, this bot can understand context, maintain conversation flow, and provide accurate responses. Whether you're looking to integrate a chatbot into your application or explore the possibilities of conversational AI, GeminiConvoBot is a robust starting point.

API Integration

The core of the chatbot's functionality relies on the Gemini Pro Free API, which provides robust natural language processing capabilities. The API is integrated to handle user inputs, generate appropriate responses, and manage multi-turn conversations. The integration process involves setting up authentication, making API calls, and processing the responses to maintain a coherent conversation.


  • Natural language understanding and generation
  • Context-aware responses
  • Easy integration with various platforms
  • Customizable for specific use-cases


Below are some images demonstrating the capabilities and integrations of GeminiConvoBot:

GeminiConvoBot in action

Figure 1: GeminiConvoBot responding to user queries.

Integration example

Figure 2: Example of GeminiConvoBot.

Integration example

Figure 3: Example of GeminiConvoBot.

Getting Started

To get started with GeminiConvoBot, clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies:

git clone
cd GeminiConvoBot
pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the bot locally with the following command:

streamlit run


We welcome contributions! Please fork the repository and submit pull requests. Follow these steps to contribute:

git checkout -b your-feature-branch
git commit -m "Add new feature"
git push origin your-feature-branch


For any inquiries or issues, please open an issue on GitHub or contact us at

In conclusion, GeminiConvoBot is a comprehensive solution for creating intelligent conversational agents, leveraging the powerful Gemini Pro API and the interactive capabilities of Streamlit. This project demonstrates the potential for advanced conversational AI applications, providing a robust framework for future developments.