Objective: Inducing passive-aggressive behavior in self-driving cars using Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL), specifically Behavioral Cloning (BC). We use Gym-Duckietown, a self-driving car simulator for our experiments.
Framework, langauge, OS: Pytorch >= 0.4.1, Python 3.7, Windows 8.1
The Gym-Duckietown repo has been cloned into the "PedestrianSimulation" folder. Please follow the instructions on the repo to install all requirements
Add "PedestrianSimulation" to path in one of two ways:
#From command line
#From ipython/python
import sys
Reinforcement learning: code at PedestrianSimulation/learning/reinforcement/pytorch
python -m reinforcement.pytorch.train_reinforcement
Imitation learning: code at PedestrianSimulation/learning/imitation/pytorch
python -m imitation.pytorch.train_imitation
To see the simulated pedestrain in the "PedestrianSimulation" folder
python manual_control.py
README last updated with instructions: Aug 2019