This repository contains the Nepales Currency recognition app from scrath i.e. from training to deployment. Nepalese Currency Recognition is a web App which identifies the different Nepalese currency. In this app, the user can post the image of any Nepalese currency and the model is able to predict the currency. Suppose,if the user post the image of ten rupee note then our model is able to predict that the image contains ten ruppee.The model is trained and tested for seven different currencies i.e:- Fifty,Five,Five hundred,Hundred,Ten,Thousand and Twenty.
This repository is a end to end implementation of deeplearning model including training scripts to model deployment. I have also deployed this model with amazon ec2 instance.. The problem statement is developing a deep learning model to accurately classify the Nepalese Currency Note and then deploy the model as a flask web service and amazon ec2.
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