React.js Application - Affworld Technologies Assignment

This React.js application demonstrates proficiency in key areas, including user authentication, data fetching, and responsive design.

Table of Contents


  1. User Authentication System :

    • Implemented secure authentication with user registration, login, and password recovery functionalities using JWT Token.Implemented OAuth Google integration.

    Project Logo

    Project Logo

    Project Logo

  2. Secrets Posting Section:


    • Designed a user-friendly home screen with a section for posting secrets.
    • Allowed each user to share one secret message.
    • Displayed secrets shared by other users without revealing their identity.
  3. Responsiveness Across Devices:


    • Ensured the application is responsive on various devices using Tailwind CSS.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js (for front end)
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Node.js and Express (for backend routes)
  • MongoDB Atlas(for database)

Getting Started


  • Node.js v 18 or above
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • ...


git clone
cd api
npm install
npm start

cd client 
npm install
npm run dev