course {
	String instructor = 'Prabhu Sunderaraman'
	String email = ''
	String blog = ''
	def String[] books = ['Spring 3.0 Black Book', 'Practical Ext JS 4']

Topics (Not in the same order)

  • Core Java
  • Basic constructs; OO concepts
  • Lambda expressions; Stream API
  • Packages and Collections
  • Docker (images, volumes, env variables)
  • Kubernetes (cluster, pods, services, deployments,)
  • Unit testing; Mock objects
  • gradle
  • quarkus with kafka
  • quarkus to connect Mongo panache
  • quarkus to connect to SQL
  • quarkus reactive coding
  • quarkus reactive with Mongo
  • quarkus to api calls
  • quakus docker
  • quarkus - swagger/openapi
  • quarkus - authentication (integrate windows authentication )
  • quarkus - api authorization
  • quarkus redis cache / in memory cache
  • quarkus - graphql
  • Basics of microservices architecture; patterns and challenges
  • Introduction to Spring Boot