BD2K Open Educational Resources: BDK14 Ontologies 101

Introduction to OWL2 and data reasoning

Contributors: Nicole Vasilevsky, Melissa Haendel, Chris Mungall, David Osumi-Sutherland, Matt Yoder, Carlo Torniai, and Simon Jupp

Module Objectives:

At the completion of this component, the learner will be able to:

  1. Describe logical inference and data classification strategies using ontologies
  2. Understand the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
  3. How to participate in ontology development communities

Module Prerequisites: None

Module Units

Unit 1: Controlled Vocabularies, Ontologies, and Data Linking: Slides: BDK14-1.pptx

Unit 2: An Introduction to OWL: Slides: BDK14-2.pptx

Unit 3: Ontology Community: Slides: BDK14-3.pptx

Exercise: Ontology 101 Tutorial


  • basic-classification
  • basic-disjoint
  • basic-dl-query
  • basic-restriction
  • basic-subclass
  • domain-range
  • taxon-union

Recommended readings: BDK14_exercises/BDK14_RecommendedReadings.pdf

Additional resources

OBO Tutorial (by James Overton): A tutroial for building and using Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies (OBO).

Ontology Starter Kit (by Chris Mungall): Tooling for creating and managing OBO ontologies.

HPO Workbench: The HPO Workbench is a Java app designed as a browser for the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) terms and annotated diseases. HPO Workbench has a series of functions that can be used by collaborators to review and make suggestions for extending, correcting, or otherwise revising the HPO or the disease annotations.