
a light weight library aimed to ease the development for your rest client

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION



FluentHttp is a light weight library aimed to ease the development for your rest client with consistent api throughout different frameworks whether you are using .net 4.0 or silverlight or window phone. (It is not aimed to be used directly by the developers, but rather for creating a http client wrapper, such as for Facebook, Github, Twitter, Google etc.)

Supported Frameworks

  • .NET 4.0 (client profile supported) ~50kb
  • .NET 3.5 (client profile supported) ~50kb
  • .NET 2.0 ~50kb
  • Silverlight 4.0 ~30kb
  • Windows Phone 7 ~30kb
  • Mono

Getting Started

Reference appropriate FluentHttp.dll depending on your framework.


Here are some samples to get started with on FluentHttp.

Using async callbacks

private static void GetAsync()
	// Stream to save the response to
	var responseSaveStream = new MemoryStream();

	// Prepare the request.
	var request = new FluentHttpRequest()
		.Headers(h => h.Add("User-Agent", "FluentHttp"))
		.QueryStrings(q => q
								.Add("fields", "name,first_name,last_name")
								.Add("format", "json"))
		.OnResponseHeadersReceived((o, e) => e.SaveResponseIn(responseSaveStream));

	request.ExecuteAsync(ar =>
                                var response = ar.Response;

                                // seek the save stream to beginning.
                                response.SaveStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                                // Print the response
                                Console.WriteLine("GetAsync: ");

Using with Task Parallel Library (TPL)

Note: supported only in .NET 4.0

private static void GetAsyncWithTask()
	// Stream to save the response to
	var responseSaveStream = new MemoryStream();

	// Prepare the request.
	var request = new FluentHttpRequest()
		.Headers(h => h.Add("User-Agent", "FluentHttp"))
		.QueryStrings(q => q
								.Add("fields", "name,first_name,last_name")
								.Add("format", "json"))
		.OnResponseHeadersReceived((o, e) => e.SaveResponseIn(responseSaveStream));

	var task = request.ExecuteTaskAsync();

		t =>
			var ar = t.Result;
			var response = ar.Response;

			// seek the save stream to beginning.
			response.SaveStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

			// Print the response
			Console.WriteLine("GetAsyncWithTask: ");

Making synchronous requests

Synchronous request can be made by calling the Execute() method. Exception is NOT thrown when error occurs. Execute() methods behaves exactly the same way as async result of ExecuteAsync(). Make sure to check if exception has occurred. (This allows you to have same methods to process the response from both the synchronous and asynchronous methods using the same method.)

var ar = request.Execute();

if(ar.Exception != null)
	throw ar.Exception;
	// process the response.

Using Authenticators

To simplify authentication for http web requests, FluentHttp source includes some authenticators. (These authenticators are not part of the core FluentHttp.dll and must be included manually which can be found here.)

request.AuthenticateUsing(new HttpBasicAuthenticator("username", "password");


FluentHttp is intended to be used in both open-source and commercial environments.

FluentHttp is licensed under Apache License 2.0.