
Initial version of email solution


  • Core
    • ESMTP Server
      • POSTFIX : a modular mail transfer agent.
    • IMAP Server and POP Server
      • DOVECOT : secure open-source IMAP and POP3 server.
    • Scalable Storage Architecture for Permanently Archived email
      • MAILPILER : open source email archiving solution.
    • Virus and Malware Scanning Tool
      • CLAMAV : open source mail gateway scanning software with automatic updates and third-party signature databases.
    • Spam Filtering Tool
      • RSPAMD : advanced spam filtering system with SPF, DKIM, DMARC DNS black lists, URL black lists , Greylisting capabilities
    • Mailing List Capability
      • Supported by Postfix alias. Can be managed through POSTFIXADMIN web interface
    • Mail Signing and Encryption
      • ZEYPLE :automatic GPG encryption to email server
  • Email Anti-Spoofing
    • SPF
      • Need to set a DNS txt Record
    • DKIM
      • DKIM Signing done through Rspamd
    • DMARC
      • DMARC done through Rspamd
  • Email Clients
    • Web
      • RAINLOOP : Simple, Modern and Fast Web Based Email Client
    • Mobile
      • K9 : Email Client for android. Supports OpenPGP.
      • IOS Client TBD
    • Desktop
      • Supports Thunderbird
  • Support for LDAP and SSO
    • TBD

How to Setup

Before We Start

Make sure any other application does not use ports that we are going to listen to

$ netstat -tulpn | grep -E -w '25|80|110|143|443|465|587|993|995|4190|11334'


Unblock following ports

Service Software Protocol Port
SMTP Postfix TCP 25
HTTP Nginx TCP 80
POP3 Dovecot TCP 110
IMAP Dovecot TCP 143
HTTPS Nginx TCP 443
SMTPS Postfix TCP 465
Submission Postfix TCP 587
IMAPS Dovecot TCP 993
POP3S Dovecot TCP 995
ManageSieve Dovecot TCP 4190
HTTP Rspamd TCP 11334

DNS Setup

Setup these DNS records on your DNS Server

mail IN A/AAAA any Your Server IP ex:(
imap IN CNAME any mail.domain.tld.
smtp IN CNAME any mail.domain.tld.
webmail IN CNAME any mail.domain.tld.
postfixadmin IN CNAME any mail.domain.tld.
@ IN MX 10 mail.domain.tld.
@ IN TXT any "v=spf1 a mx ip4:SERVER_IPV4 ~all"
2018._domainkey IN TXT any "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=Your DKIM Public Key"
_dmarc IN TXT any "v=DMARC1; p=reject; rua=mailto:postmaster@domain.tld; ruf=mailto:admin@domain.tld; fo=0; adkim=s; aspf=s; pct=100; rf=afrf; sp=reject"

Your DKIM Public Key will be printed in the logs of your emailserver container or you can manually find it by running

$ docker exec emailserver cat /var/lib/rspamd/dkim/2018.txt


  1. Clone this Repository
$ git clone
  1. Edit .env file to replicate your settings

  2. Create external Docker Network

$ docker network create reverse-proxy


Run the system and start all services by :

$ docker-compose up -d 

Access Services

  1. PostfixAdmin to manage Domains and Mailboxes

    • Direct your web browser to postfixadmin.domain.tld/setup.php
    • Enter a Setup Password
    • Append the generated hash to the config file
    • $ docker exec -it postfixadmin /bin/
    • Add Admin account
    • Add Domains and Mailboxes
  2. Access Webmail

    • Direct your web browser to webmail.domain.tld/?admin
    • Default login is "admin", password is "12345"
    • Setup IMAP and SMTP accounts
  3. Access Rspamd WebUI

    • Direct your web browser to mail.domain.tld:11334
    • Login using the password mentioned in the .env file
  4. Setup Desktop / Mobile Clients