
Machine learning model Visualizer in web using streamlit

Primary LanguagePython


Here I used streamlit to visualize a dataset, perform some quary on it, and finally train a machine learning model using sklearn. Finally I plotted some basic curve like ROC-AUC, Precision-Recall and confusion matrix on fly.
All instruction are provided here


  • Dataset can also be founf from here

Instruction to run

  • change the line no 20 in app.py to provide the data path
  • open cmd
  • cd over the ML_visualizer
  • to install depencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run the command streamlit run app.py
  • hopefully it is running on http://localhost:8501

Hosting process

To make it available on cloud for free(heroku)

  1. install git on your system, if not already present. Then run these 3 command in cmd
    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
  2. install heroku exe and run these line in cmd
    heroku login
    heroku create
    git push heroku master
    heroku ps:scale web=1
    heroku open

after heroku login command, login in the browser window if it opens. Hopefully, after completing the above steps your app is successfully deployed and running.
NOTE : if you are deploying your web app on the cloud (not local machine), you may encounter wrong values of time shown in the raw data in date-time column (more details here)