Source codes from PE001 - PE253 are submittable in HackerRank Project Euler+ which is the harder version of the original Project Euler with buffed up constraints and must be run within the time/memory limit. Some problems might differ considerably from the original one such that you can't directly use it to solve the original problem.

Tags are given by me according to how I solved it in the "+" version

A few exceptions:

  • PE194 is still TLE in HackerRank, but can be used to solve the original one
  • PE252 is WA in HackerRank, but submitting to the original one is correct
  • PE251 can only solve the original one

Starting from PE254, I intend to only solve the original ones, since the later problems of the "+" version are having ridiculously tight time limit and the contest itself is no longer being updated