
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Principles of Redux

  1. State Tree - Whole application state is inside a single JSON object
    1. Everything that changes in our application including data and ui state is contained in a single json object - called state or state tree
  2. Dispatch/Action - State tree is redundant. You cannot modify state directly
    1. To modify state you need to dispatch an action
    2. Action is a minimal representation of change to do
    3. An action contains a type (string) and an optional payload
  3. Reducer - A pure function which takes previous state of the app and returns the next sate of the application.

Pure functions

  1. For any given input output will always be the same
  2. It doesn't modify its input (for ex. array)
  3. It doesn't make any side-effects (ex. network call, db update etc)

Useful links
