Parkify- Park with ease

Theme: Automobile

Problem Statement:

The demand for parking in Indian metros is seeing no signs of stopping. Because land resources are limited, it isn’t possible to conveniently plan parking spaces according to demand. Instead of increasing available parking spaces, an effective technology-based solution must be employed to optimize the use of available spaces. Using sensor and software, smart parking solutions can provide both parking operators and drivers with a real-time map of available spaces.

Problem Analysis:

  1. The limited availability of land and clumsy parking system consumes a lot of parking search time.
  2. This is one of the core reason of traffic problems these days.
  3. Traffic problems are one of the leading cause of environmental degradation and pollution.


We considered addressing these issues with the help of our project Parkify. It overcomes the problem of finding a parking space in commercial areas that unnecessary consumes time. Hence this project offers a web based reservation system where users can view various parking areas and select the space to view whether space is available or not. If the booking space is available then he can book it for specific time slot. The booked space will be marked yellow and will not be available for anyone else for the specified time. This system provides an additional feature of cancelling the bookings. User can cancel their books space anytime. Users can even make payment online via credit card. After making payment users are notified about the booking via email along with unique parking number.

Challenges we ran into :

  1. Integrating Google Maps API
  2. Hosting website in Github-pages
  3. Configuring DNS records for custom domain.
  4. Time Management

Why Parkify?

1.Apart from allowing drivers to reserve spots based on their convenience, smart parking apps also make mobile payments possible. 2.Not only does this save drivers time spent searching for a spot, but it also reduces environmental degradation resulting from congestion caused by parking. 3.Many smart cities in India are gradually taking to technology as part of a set of interventions to solve their parking woes, Parkify is an encouraging development for mobility and parking issues in India’s urban areas.

What we learnt?

  1. We learnt how to do sever side deployment in local machine. 2 First time we tried Integrating Google Maps API
  2. Hosting website in Github-pages
  3. Configuring DNS records for custom domain.
  4. We learnt on how to manage our time and work in a team.

Buisiness Model

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Future prospects:

  1. With the ever growing population and the demand of having parking spaces we need to expand our project to a huge scale production, dealing with a huge pool of data.
  2. The data (geolocation, vehicle density, user info) acquired by our application can be leveraged to perform various analysis.
  3. Collaborate with private and government agenciencies to make our application available to public.

Accomplishments we are proud of:

  1. This was our first time working with the Google Maps API.
  2. We created a holistic and robust solution with an user friendly interface.
  3. We could complete 60% of our idea in such a short period of time.


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