
Keen IO Data Explorer - a point-and-click analytics and visualization tool

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Keen IO Explorer

The Keen IO Explorer is an open source point-and-click interface for querying and visualizing your event data. It's maintained by the team at Keen IO.

Check out the demo here.. Read on for instructions on how to use the Explorer on your website or in your web app and how to get set up to develop with the Explorer.

Table of Contents

  1. How to use Explorer on your site or in your app
  2. How to develop with the Explorer
  3. FAQ
  4. Contributing
  5. Tech used in this project

How to use Explorer on your site or in your app

Include the necessary files

You have three options for including the necessary Explorer files:

Option 1: Use the hosted assets from our CDN
  <!-- Include Bootstrap from CDN. We use bootstrap as our CSS framework for Explorer -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css">
  <!-- Include Explorer CSS from CDN -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://d26b395fwzu5fz.cloudfront.net/apps/keen-explorer-2.0.0.min.css">
  <!-- Include jQuery from Google. We use jQuery for a few of our UI components, like calendar pickers. -->
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <!-- Include keen.js from CDN. This is our Javascript SDK that powers querying and visualizations in Explorer. -->
  <script src="https://d26b395fwzu5fz.cloudfront.net/3.2.7/keen.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <!-- Include keen-explorer.js from CDN. -->
  <script src="https://d26b395fwzu5fz.cloudfront.net/apps/keen-explorer-2.0.0.min.js"></script>
Option 2: Include the files yourself

You'd need to include all of the same assets as those listed in the CDN example above. You can download the Explorer source code to get the keen-explorer.js and keen-explorer.css files (as well as the minified versions). And you can choose to include jQuery and Bootstrap however you wish, from CDNs or using downloaded copies.

Option 3: Install using NPM

This is as easy as npm install keen-explorer

Get your project ID & API keys

If you haven’t done so already, login to Keen IO to create a project for your app. You'll need a Keen IO account to create a project. The Project ID and API Keys are available on the Project Overview page. You will need these for the next steps.

Configure the Keen.js client and initialize Explorer

Somewhere on the page that you want to show Explorer you'll need to configure a Keen.js client and pass that into the initialization of a new Explorer. Here's how you do it:

<div id="explorer"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  // Configure a new Keen.js client with your project ID, read key and master key.
  var client = new Keen({
    projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID",

  var app = new Keen.Explorer.App({
    // Pass that client into a new Explorer
    client: client,
    // Optionally add in saved queries support:
    // Saved queries is entirely optional. If you set it to true, a "saved queries" feature
    // will be available and you can save the state of the query you're working
    // on so that they can be looked up at a later time.
    savedQueries: true,
    // The targetId is the id of the DOM Node you want to display Explorer inside.
    targetId: 'explorer'

And that's it. You're done!

How to develop with the Explorer

  1. git clone this repository or Download the source code
  2. Navigate to the project directory and make a copy of or rename the demo file: cp demo/example_index.html demo/index.html or mv demo/example_index.html demo/index.html
  3. Configure the Keen.js client in the demo file at demo/index.html with your project ID and Keen IO API keys.
  4. Install the dependencies with npm install.
  5. Run the development script with npm run dev or export PORT=8082; npm run dev.
  6. You can now view the demo locally at http://localhost:8081/explorer or your specified port.

Building the project:

The project is built with Gulp.js.

  • Run gulp from the root directory of the project
  • The demo app will be running on http://localhost:8081/explorer.


Run Unit Tests

  • Run gulp test:unit to run the unit tests.

Run In Browser Mocha Unit Tests This isn't normally requried, but if you need to, you can run the tests in the browser.

  • Run a server on another port, we use http-server on port 8082
  • See the mocha unit test suite run on http://localhost:8082/test/unit/


Is this open source Keen Explorer different than the one on keen.io? Nope! We have recently moved all our development on the Keen Explorer to this open source version.

I have questions about using the project! Where/who do I ask? If you have any questions about using this project, Explorer feel free to contact us anytime at team@keen.io.


To contribute to this project:

  • Fork the repo.
  • Submit a Pull Request with test coverage.
  • Follow our PR template, which includes the following sections:
# What's this PR do?

# Where should the reviewer start?

# How should this be manually tested?

# Screenshots (if appropriate)

Would an animated GIF be more informative than a screenshot? Then we recommend Recordit.

Tech used in this project

These are the major technologies used in the project.

  • ReactJS for UI Components & input handling.
  • Flux for help managing the data model layer.
  • Bootstrap for our CSS framework.
  • NPM for dependency management.
  • Browserify to compile modules for use in the browser.
  • GulpJS for a task/build runner.