
The Game of Life is a cellular-automaton, zero player game. The game is played on an infinite grid of square cells, and its evolution is only determined by its initial state

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Game of Life-MIPS 🌏

The Game of Life is a cellular-automaton, zero player game, developed by John Conway in 1970. The game is played on an infinite grid of square cells, and its evolution is only determined by its initial state


  • Operaciones Aritméticas
  • Lazos de repetición
  • Sentencias de condición y comparación
  • Uso de funciones

Contenido PDF

  • Especificaciones del funcionamiento
  • Utilidad de su proyecto
  • Capturas de Pantalla del programa funcionando
  • Referencias

Se tomará en cuenta la redacción y ortografía.

Flow Diagram
