
go1.11 modules package - practice

Primary LanguageGo

Practice for GO111MODULE

Init & Build

go mod init
go build

Change module & Build

go mod tidy
go build

Example using this module

  • Because last release is v3.1.0 thus, you will never see the output - "Hello, this is 3.2.0", from this module. :-p
  • Because of this rule, v0 and v1 will not work. You can use only v2 or v3
  • Current master branch point to v3.2.0 but go mod will try to find v1.0.0 so, base path will not work too.
    • When upgrade your package managing from /V0 (or /v1) to /Vn, you should create and use a new branch instead of master.
    • E.g. v0, v1 can be used at the master branch, others like /v2 are should be used at /v2 branch
  • If location of below Go source file is $GOPATH/src/{package name}, import comment is not needed.
package main // import "github.com/practice-golang/pkghello"

import (
    hell "github.com/practice-golang/go111module-pkghello/v3"

func main() {