RCube (for ) is an easy to use OpenGL 4.5 engine for 3D graphics/visualization. The library is a work-in-progress but usable. Some features of RCube include:
- Entity-Component-Systems (ECS) architecture for scene management
- Cross-platform support on platforms supporting OpenGL and GLFW
- Physically-based deferred rendering, tangent space normal mapping and global image-based lighting with the Cook-Torrance lighting model
- OOP based encapsulation of common OpenGL functionality (textures, framebuffers, shaders etc.)
- Transform-hierarchy for scene objects
- BVH for ray intersection queries
- Support for multiple cameras per scene, for e.g., to create split-screen apps, etc.
RCubeViewer is a higher level viewer API to quickly prototype lightweight interactive 3D applications for scientific visualization and research projects with minimum effort. RCubeViewer supports visualizing and inspecting the following geometry with a few lines of code:
- Pointclouds with scalar and vector fields
- Surface meshes with per-vertex, and per-face scalar and vector fields.
The example code below demonstrates how to visualize a pointcloud with RCubeViewer
#include "RCubeViewer/RCubeViewer.h"
#include "RCubeViewer/Pointcloud.h"
using namespace rcube;
using namespace rcube::viewer;
int main()
// Create the viewer
RCubeViewer v;
// Create an entity to hold a pointcloud
// RCubeViewer::createMeshEntity() automatically populates the entity with three components:
// 1) A Drawable component that holds the mesh
// 2) A Transform component that holds matrices for model-to-world transformation and possibly transform hierarchies
// 3) A Material component to specify appearance properties in a physically-based manner
// Any entity with these three components is rendered automatically by RCube's RenderSystem
EntityHandle ent = v.createMeshEntity("my pointcloud");
// Create the pointcloud data
std::vector<glm::vec3> xyz_list = ...;
auto pc = Pointcloud::create(xyz_list);
// Set the pointcloud mesh in the entity's Drawable component
ent.get<Drawable>()->mesh = pc;
// Show the viewer
return 0;
More examples are available in the examples
folder in the git repository.