
Image color picker based on image source provided and return image different color palettes or average color palette

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Image color picker: Provide image source and it will return

  • Different color palettes out of image
  • Average color palette out of image

Getting started

$ npm install react-native-image-color-picker --save


$ yarn add react-native-image-color-picker --save


$ react-native link image-color-picker #(for android)


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { ImageColorPicker } from 'react-native-image-color-picker';

export default class App extends Component {

  pickerCallback = message => {
    if (message && message.nativeEvent && message.nativeEvent.data) {
      console.log(message.nativeEvent.data); // response from ImageColorPicker

  render() {
    return (



Available Props/Options

  • imageUrl: url of image
  • pickerCallback: callback method for ImageColorPicker Success or Failure
  • (optional)imageType: type of image e.g. jpeg, png Default value: jpeg
  • (optional)paletteType: palette type e.g average: for average color of image, dominant: dominant colors in image Default value: dominant
  • (optional)paletteCount: no of color palettes need e.g. 3 dominant color palette, applicable only in case of paletteType: 'dominant' Default value: 3
  • (optional)defaultPalette: default color palette Default value: [0, 0, 0, 1]
  • (optional)colorType: color code type e.g. rgba or hex Default value: rgba
  • (optional)pickerStyle: picker container styles
  • (optional)imageWidth: custom image width, other than natural
  • (optional)imageHeight: custom image height, other than natural

Example App

Example App




  • Support Image picker gallery


Interested in contributing to this repository? PR are most welcome!

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