React Native Library for securely storing keys to iOS KeyChain and Android KeyStore.
- 0
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception
#127 opened by karthikkarunanithi91 - 4
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '_reactNativeSecureKeyStore.default.set')
#68 opened by XamarinPOC - 0
Not using "AndroidKeyStore" ?
#126 opened by vricosti - 0
- 2
Cannot read property 'set' of null
#114 opened by ChristopherDcosta - 4
Upgrading from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10 results in "keyset not found, will generate a new one exception"
#118 opened by tharwi - 0
Do Android keys survive a reinstall?
#124 opened by timothyerwin - 0
Android Hardware backed Keystore
#123 opened by dhivya0413 - 3
not working on api level 22
#41 opened by bang9 - 0
#122 opened by mgarreau29251 - 0
- 0
- 1
Publish to NPM
#112 opened by ray-holland-es - 2
Publish to npm
#108 opened by java-james - 4
podspec is inside the ios folder
#76 opened by AmirHMousavi - 0
Get status on "Reject" Promise
#111 opened by larcho - 0
- 1
- 1
memory leak when searchKeychainCopyMatching[fixed]
#104 opened by Rachellin77 - 1
Objective C Native Access to KeyChain
#103 opened by bulz4y - 0
Security risk
#102 opened by KennyGoi - 2
- 5
Need RSA private or public key error
#33 opened by mahesh-vidhate - 0
multiSet and multiGet feature
#92 opened by imsam67 - 5
targetSDK API level 29 requirement is coming for google play store apps
#78 opened by stephan-wolf-ais - 3
- 2
Typechecking issue in consuming project
#74 opened by davidgovea - 0
Example app is not building
#81 opened by davidgovea - 1
Is there a way to decrypt Android data on Linux if I have both SKS_KEY_FILE & SKS_DATA_FILE ?
#70 opened by Overtorment - 2
iOS cant store lengthy strings
#77 opened by Overtorment - 2
Failed to obtain information about private key
#72 opened by thedankay - 1
#56 opened by marcosrdz - 1
v2.0.6 is not published to NPN
#73 opened by rangav - 0
Can react-native-secure-key-store read values stored by cordova-plugin-secure-key-store?
#71 opened by EdPalmeira - 3
Opps ! `value` can not be object ??!??
#28 opened by anhhtz - 0
use_modular_headers! leads to Declaration of 'RCTBridgeModule' must be imported from module 'React.React.RCTModuleData' before it is required
#63 opened by GituBojan - 12
#55 opened by marcosrdz - 2
#54 opened by J999999 - 0
Hardware Backing
#52 opened by OR13 - 3
When is going to be released a new version?
#51 opened by dimun - 4
Crashing on production mode
#43 opened by 24thsaint - 2
- 2
Warning Module RNSecureKeyStore requires main queue setup since it overrides 'init'
#48 opened by faisalahmedansari20 - 1
build.gradle targetSdkVersion is still 22
#39 opened by thomasarogers - 0
Keychain is shared with native ?
#35 opened by Jeerem - 2
MultiGet support request
#34 opened by dungnguyen10989 - 0
New deploy needed please
#32 opened by davidgoli - 1
.set() from readme not working on Android
#30 opened by basbase - 2
Using sharedPreferences instead of Storage and using KeyGenParameterSpec for later versions of Android
#26 opened by karthikpala - 3
Having issue with deleting
#27 opened by ikouchiha47