
Experiments implementing some advanced type features from TypeScript.

Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT

MiniTypeScript implements parametric polymorphism on top of STLC along with union types, intersection types, distributive conditional types, and mapped types.

This project is built on top of the PL Zoo mini-language framework.


Union types

let incrementOrZero = fun f(x): (int | bool) -> int is
    match x with
    | int as y -> y + 1
    | bool as y -> 0

let z = incrementOrZero 3;;
# => 4
let z = incrementOrZero true;;
# => 0

Intersection types

Use case: Say we want the return type of a function to be specific even though the input type is a union. negate true should return bool, not int | bool, and negate 7 should return int, not int | bool.

let zeroMinusX = fun f(x): int -> int is (0 - x);;
let toggle = fun f(x): bool -> bool is (if x then false else true);;

let negate = zeroMinusX & toggle;;
# => (int -> int) & (bool -> bool)

negate true;;
# => false

negate 7;;
# => -7

negate (negate true);;
# => true
toggle (negate true);;
# No need to pattern-match since the return type is bool.
# => true

Higher-Order Types

type Id = tfun f(A): * -> * is A;;
type Const = tfun f(A): * -> * -> * is tfun g(B): * -> * is A;;

type IdInt = Id int;;
# type: int
type ConstIntBool = Const int bool;;
# type: int

let id = \A:* . fun f(x): A -> A is x;;

id [IdInt] 3;;
id [ConstIntBool] 3;;

If Type-operator (using Church encoding)

type True = tfun f(T): * -> * -> * is
     tfun g(F): * -> * is T;;
type False = tfun f(T): * -> * -> * is
     tfun g(F): * -> * is F;;
type If = tfun f(B): (* -> * -> *) -> * -> * -> * is
     tfun g(T): * -> * -> * is
     	  tfun h(F): * -> * is
	       B T F;;
type Not = tfun f(B): (* -> * -> *) -> * -> * -> * is
     tfun g(T): * -> * -> * is
     	  tfun h(F): * -> * is
	       B F T;;

type Lion = {tail_length: int, meow_loudness: int};;
type Tiger = {tail_length: int, meow_loudness: int};;
type Zebra = {tail_length: int, num_stripes: int};;
type Shark = {num_fins: int, num_gills: int};;

type Foo = If False Lion Zebra;;
# type: Zebra

type TryNot = If (Not False) Lion Zebra;;
# type: Lion

type Foo = If (Lion extends {tail_length: int}) Lion Tiger;;
# type: Lion

type Foo = If (Not (Lion extends {tail_length: int})) Lion Never;;
# type: Never

# Never.
let tryNever = fun f(x): Never -> int is 3;;
# Will give an error.
# tryNever 7;;

Distributive Conditional types

type ExtractCat = tfun f(A): * -> * is
     If (A extends { meow_loudness: int }) A Never;;
type ExtractNonCat = tfun f(A): * -> * is
     If (Not (A extends { meow_loudness: int })) A Never;;

type Animal = Lion | Zebra | Tiger | Shark;;

type Cat = ExtractCat Over Animal;;
# => Lion | Tiger

type NonCat = ExtractNonCat Over Animal;;
# => Zebra | Shark

Mapped types

type ExcludeKey = tfun f(K): * -> * -> * is
     tfun g(A): * -> * is
     	  If (A extends K) Never A;;

type ExcludeUserTypeKey = ExcludeKey "user_type";;

type Test = ExcludeUserTypeKey Over ("emailAddress" | "user_type" | "foo");;
# => "emailAddress" | "foo"

# Remove the user_type field from the record.
type ExcludeUserTypeField = tfun f(A): * -> * is
     (MapUnionToRecord {(tfun k(K): * -> * is K): (tfun v(K): * -> * is A[K])}
     		       (ExcludeUserTypeKey Over (Keyof A)));;

type Test = ExcludeUserTypeField { user_type: "LOGGED_IN", area_code: int, is_premium: bool };;
# => { area_code: int, is_premium: bool }


The code for System F is in src/systemf.

The code for MiniTypeScript is in src/uniontypes.