
MS Thesis: Models for propagating facilitation in the Insect Visual System.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to the research code repository for my Master's Thesis work on Models for propagating facilitation in the Insect Visual System.


├── model
│   ├── SD_rates.mat
│   ├── genrate_cells.m
│   ├── simulate.m
│   ├── plot_Ca.m
│   ├── wavefront_speed.m


  • Step 0: Run kinetic_rates_SD.m
    • This will create SD_rates.mat file, make sure that is present in your current directory.
  • Step 1: Run genrate_cells.m.
    • This will create Data_files.mat file, that will store positions (cordinates) for all compartments in all cells.
  • Step 2: Run simulate.m
    • This will create Ca_store.mat file, that will hold Ca history for all cells for all time setps.
  • Step 3: Run plot_Ca.m
    • This script will visualize (plot) the calcium waves in network. You can also store this visualization as video.
  • Step 4: Run wavefront_speed.m
    • Computes average wavefront speed in a network.

NOTE: All files should be in the same directory to work probably.


  1. MOLE Library: https://github.com/jcorbino/mole
    • Download and install MOLE (Refer MOLE documentation.
    • We use MOLE for numerical simulations.
  2. MATLAB (any stable version, we suggest R2017A)