
git-easy. wrapper for git commands.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

gite: git-easy

A wrapper for git commands.

Build Status

Makes git simpler.

  • Light weight node based CLI (command line interface) app with simple readable commands.
  • Executes git commands at the end to achieve desired result.
  • Exhaustive help menu with sample commands



Check by running gite --version or gite -v.


npm install -g git-easy


  • node v4+
  • npm v2+
  • git v2+


Run by executing command gite on console.

  • -h Help. Global or command specific.
  • --show, -s Show git commands to be executed. Doesn't execute them.
  • --version, -v Show current gite version.
  • branch-new Create and switch to a new branch as a copy of current or source branch (if provided).
  • branch-keep-copy Create and keep aside (don't switch) a new branch as a copy of current or source branch (if provided).
  • last-change BETA - shows changes from last commit.
  • change-file Changes file to given branch/commit (tree) state. Changes fetched are unstaged.
  • blame shows last revision details for each line with commit id, author and date of change.
  • re-commit add current changes (staged/unstaged) to last commit.
  • discard-commits discard all local commits on this branch, to make the local branch identical to the upstream of this branch.
  • discard-all-changes Discard all local changes. Changes are UNRECOVERABLE.
  • discard-file-changes Discard all local changes to provided file. Changes are UNRECOVERABLE.
  • remove-commit Removes the provided commit from current tree. WARNING: use only if commit(s) after this are not dependent on this commit.
  • undo shelves all uncommitted changes. Stashes them.
  • redo applies last shelved changes. Removes from shelf.
  • branch-copy Create and switch to a new branch as a copy of current or source branch (if provided).
  • change-msg changes message of last commit
  • rm-file-last-commit remove changes of file from last commit
  • rm-branch remove branch from local
  • rm-branch-remote remove branch from provided remote
  • squash squashes (combines) last 'n' commits with self generated squash message
  • squash-all squashes (combines) all unpushed commits with self generated squash message
  • rm-file remove file from git. Doesn't delete it
  • clone-pr checkouts to pull request provided to a new branch.
  • search search commit with message. Shows max 20 results.

........ more to come

run gite <command> -h to get more detailed description of that command.


Fork the repo and send PR's. Contributions are welcomed in the form of

  • New commands.
  • Aliases or better names for commands.
  • Better description to commands.
  • Test Case.