aocl-sparse exposes a common interface that provides Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines for sparse computation implemented for AMD's CPUs.
- CMake (3.5 or later)
- [Boost][]
- Required for benchmarks.
All compiler specifications are determined automatically.
After cloning aocl-sparse, Go to aocl-sparse directory, create and go to the build directory
cd aocl-sparse;
mkdir -p build/release;
cd build/release;
# Configure aocl-sparse
# Build options:
# BUILD_CLIENTS_BENCHMARKS - build benchmarks (OFF)
# BUILD_VERBOSE - verbose output (OFF)
# BUILD_SHARED_LIBS - build aocl-sparse as a shared library (ON)
# Build shared library (default)
if CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is not provided then /opt/aoclsparse/ is the default location which contains lib/ and include/ directory files.
cmake ../.. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="<Directory_path>"
# Build
# Install
[sudo] make install
# Build static library
make install
To run benchmarks, aocl-sparse has to be built with option -DBUILD_CLIENTS_BENCHMARKS=ON.
cmake -DBUILD_CLIENTS_BENCHMARKS=ON ../../ make install
Test the installation by running CSR-SPMV on scircuit.mtx file, e.g.
cd aocl-sparse/build/release
tar xf scircuit.tar.gz; mv scircuit ./scircuit.mtx && rm -rf scircuit.tar.gz scircuit
./tests/staging/aoclsparse-bench -f csrmv --precision d --alpha 1 --beta 0 --iters 1000 --mtx ./scircuit.mtx/scircuit.mtx
Test the installation by running CSR-SPMV on randomly generated matrix, e.g.
./tests/staging/aoclsparse-bench -f csrmv --precision d -m 1000 -n 1000 -z 4000 -v 1
The [license file][] can be found in the main repository.