
TypeScript type definitions for JSON objects

Primary LanguageTypeScript


TypeScript type information for compile-time validation of JSON objects.

Build Status Version

How to use this

  1. Install this package
npm install --save-dev json-typescript
  1. Import this package
import * as _JSON from 'json-typescript';
  1. Check to see if json types are validated correctly
import * as { Value as JSONValue, Object as JSONObject } from 'json-typescript';

// ✅ This should be OK
let doc: JSONValue = {
  data: {
    type: 'articles',
    id: '1'

// ⛔️ This should NOT be OK ( functions are not allowed )
let doc: JSONValue = {
  foo() {
    return bar;

// ⛔️ This should NOT be OK ( Array is not a JSONObject )
let doc: JSONObject = [];


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