
Long Project 3: Multi-Dimensional search Uses balanced trees(TreeMap) and HashMap to organize the items in inventory for efficient search, insert, update and delete operations

Primary LanguageJava


Long Project 3: Multi-Dimensional search Uses balanced trees(TreeMap) and HashMap to organize the items in inventory for efficient search, insert, update and delete operations

Team No: 39

@Authors: Pranita Hatte: prh170230 Prit Thakkar: pvt170000 Shivani Thakkar: sdt170030 Yash Pradhan: ypp170130

Long Project 3: Multi-Dimensional search Uses balanced trees(TreeMap) and HashMap to organize the items in inventory for efficient search, insert, update and delete operations

Instructions to execute code:

The uploaded folder with name as my net id: ypp170130 contains java files "MDS.java".

Steps for running code from cmd prompt:

  1. Compile the MDS.java by executing the following command

javac ypp170130/MDS.java

  1. Compile and run the driver

javac ypp170130/TLP3Driver.java java -Xss512m -Xms6g ypp170130/TLP3Driver PATH_INPUT_FILE


java -Xss512m -Xms6g ypp170130/TLP3Driver input/lp3-t6.txt

Sample Output: 14070859