@author: Yash Pradhan - ypp170130

The uploaded folder "HW2_Yash Pradhan" contains following:
1. readme.txt file
2. "HW2_Yash Pradhan source code" containing code and other files
3. solution.pdf containing solution to questions that require hand computation

About "HW2_Yash Pradhan source code"
Note: All code has been written in python
Instructions to execute the python code:
	> python compute_bigrams.py
	> python brills_pos_tagging.py
	> python naive_bayes_pos_tagging.py

directory dataset: contains the required input files for computing bigram probabilities and POS tagging
output: the code write computed models to this directory

output written to output/ directory

About "solution.pdf":
This file contains solution to the hand computing related questions
1. Regular Expression for languages accepted by the given NFSA
2. Bigram Probabilities for the sentence "The president wants to control the board 's control" using 3 models
3. a. missing POS tags for the word "control" using Brill's algorithm
   b. missing POS tags for the word "control" using Naive Bayesian Classification