
ajiranet framework

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


ajiranet framework

Requirements to run the project :

  • Targetted Runtime Server to be configured : Apache Tomcat v8.5
  • JRE Library : JAVA-14
  • IDE used : Eclipse
  • Project to be configured with : Maven based project configured with Artifact ID : "jersey-quickstart-webapp" version 2.16
  • External dependencies : jackson-annotations-2.12.0-rc1.jar, gson-2.8.2.jar
  • External Application used to be installed to make POST requests : POSTMAN

How To run the project?

Once the Project is configured with the above dependencies and targetted runtime, just make the project Run with "Run on server" option and you are all set. Data to be sent from POSTMAN via POST request.

POSTMAN Configuration :

Add devices :

  • Input Sent :

CREATE /devices content-type : application/json {"type" : "COMPUTER", "name" : "A1"}

  • Output:

{"msg": "Successfully added A1"}

  • Input Sent :

CREATE /connections

  • Output:

{"msg": "Invalid command."}

Add Connections :

  • Input Sent :

CREATE /connections content-type : application/json {"source" : "A1", "targets" : ["A2", "A3"]}

  • Output:

{"msg": "Successfully connected"}

  • Input Sent :

CREATE /connections

  • Output:

{"msg": "Invalid command syntax"}

Fetch Devices :

  • Input Sent :

FETCH /devices

  • Output

{ "devices":[ { "type":"COMPUTER", "name":"A1" } ] }

Fetch Routes :

  • Input Sent :

FETCH /info-routes?from=A1&to=A1

  • Output :

{"msg": "Route is A1->A1}

Modify Signal Strength :

  • Input Sent :

MODIFY /devices/A1/strength content-type : application/json {"value": 2}

  • Output :

{"msg": "Successfully defined strength"}

  • Input Sent :

MODIFY /devices/A1/strength content-type : application/json {"value": -2}

  • Output :

{"msg": "Negative Signal strenth cannot be assigned"}