
The Email Scheduler Web Application is a Flask-based web app that enables users to schedule emails for recipients and includes a RESTful API with Swagger documentation.

Primary LanguagePython

Email Scheduler Web Application

The Email Scheduler Web Application is a simple web app built with Python 3+ and the Flask microframework. It allows users to schedule emails for a particular group of recipients, which will be sent automatically at a later time. The application provides a RESTful API to interact with the email scheduling functionality and includes Swagger documentation for easy exploration and testing of the API endpoints.


  • Schedule emails for a specific group of recipients.
  • Emails are sent automatically at the specified timestamp.
  • RESTful API with several endpoints for managing emails.
  • Swagger documentation for API exploration and testing.


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/pradnyanandana/email-scheduler.git
cd email-scheduler
  1. Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set up the environment variables by creating a .env file in the root directory of the project. The .env file should contain the following configurations:


Note: Before running the application, ensure that you have a MySQL database and a Redis server running locally with the configurations specified in the .env file.

  1. Start the Celery task worker:
celery -A database.celeryconfig worker --loglevel=info 
  1. Start the development server:
python app.py

The application will be running at

API Documentation

The API documentation is available through Swagger UI. You can access it at


The Email Scheduler API provides the following endpoints:

  • POST /save_emails: Save emails for scheduling.
  • GET /save_emails: Get all scheduled emails with pagination.
  • GET /save_emails/<int:email_id>: Get a specific scheduled email by ID.
  • DELETE /save_emails/<int:email_id>: Delete a scheduled email by ID.


To schedule an email, make a POST request to the /save_emails endpoint with the required parameters:

  "event_id": 1,
  "email_subject": "Email Subject",
  "email_content": "Email Body",
  "timestamp": "2023-12-15 23:12",
  "recipients": [

The email will be saved in the database and automatically sent at the specified timestamp.

To view all scheduled emails, make a GET request to the /save_emails endpoint. You can use pagination parameters page and page_size to navigate through the results.

To get a specific scheduled email by ID, make a GET request to the /save_emails/<email_id> endpoint.

To delete a scheduled email by ID, make a DELETE request to the /save_emails/<email_id> endpoint.


To run the unit tests, use the following command:
