
opencv demo material

Primary LanguageC++

This repository contains the material required for OpenCV demonstration. The demonstration will cover basic image processing and by the end of the demonstration we aim to write a program which can track objects based on their color and motion. It would be desirable that any person attending the workshop comes with his/her own laptop with OpenCV installed. The installation instructions are given below. Also to be able to test if the code is correctly working, it would be helpful if you bring a distinctly colored object.

The code written during the demonstration has been uploaded in the repository. The code tracks green objects by default. To begin tracking press 'T', to exit the program press 'Q'.

Object tracking demo

[new] See a demo video here

Installing OpenCV

Run the command corresponding to your OS in the terminal

The demonstration will be done using Ceemple IDE for windows and OpenCV installed on Ubuntu

Post - Installation


Start the terminal and clone the repository, navigate to the test folder and run the Makefile

$ git clone https://www.github.com/lakshayg/opencv-demo
$ cd opencv-demo/test
$ make


If you see a window showing the webcam output then you have successfully installed OpenCV. Press 'x' to exit.


The .cpp files made during the demonstration can be compiled using

$ g++ file.cpp -o file `pkg-config opencv --libs`


In case of problems during the setup, you can contact us at lakshayg@iitk.ac.in

too long; didn't read

When attending the demonstration try to:

  • Bring a laptop with OpenCV installed
  • Bring a distinctly colored object
  • In case of any problems, contact lakshayg@iitk.ac.in
  • Do attend even if you are not able to arrange for these items