
Script to launch docker containers with varying configurations and record stats for resource utilization. Graph scripts help to visually represent the collected stats.

Primary LanguagePython

Container Profiler

Script to launch docker containers with varying configurations and record stats for resource utilization. Graph scripts help to visually represent the collected stats.

Environment Variables

CONTAINER_PROFILER_CLUSTERHOSTS_FILE_LOCATION --> location of the file which contains the hostnames of the cluster

CONTAINER_PROFILER_CLUSTERAUTH_USERNAME --> username for superuser access on the cluster hosts
CONTAINER_PROFILER_CLUSTERAUTH_PASSWORD --> password for superuser access on the cluster hosts

Run the following command to launch docker containers, given the benchmark image tag, and record the stats.

        python3 executor.py <image tag> <number of runs>

The files containing the stats would be in the following directory,

        stats/<benchmark name>

The output files of the benchmark would be in the following directory,

        output/<benchmark name>

Run the following command to generate graphs, given the stats files, for all the benchmarks that were run.

        python3 extractor_graph.py stats output <destination directory>

Note that if the output directory does not contain an output file for a benchmark run with a particular configuration, then the graphs for that benchmark and configuration will not be generated.

The graphs would be stored in the specified destination directory as .png.