
Daily 1 DSA Leetcode Questions from March 2024

Primary LanguageJava


Daily 1 DSA Leetcode Questions from March 2024

1.Maximum Odd Binary Number.
2. Squares of Sorted Array.
3. Remove Nth Node from End of List.
4. Bag of Tokens.
5. Minimum Length of String After Deleting Similiar Ends.
6.Linked List Cycle.
7. Middle of Linked List.
8. Count Elements With Maximum Frequency.
9.Minimum Common Value.
10. Intersection of Two Arrays.
11. Custom Sort String.
12.Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes From Linked List.
13. Find The Pivot Integer.
14. Binary Subarrays With Sum.
15. Product of Array Except Self.
16. Contiguous Array.
17. Insert Interval.
18. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Baloons.
19. Task Scheduler.
20. Merge in Between Linked Lists.
21. Reverse Linked List.
22. Palindrome Linked List.
23. Reorder List.
24. Find The Duplicate Number.
25. Find All Duplicates in an Array.
26. First Missing Positive.
27. Subarray Product Less Than K.
28. Length of Longest Subarray With Atmost K Frequency.
Count Subarrays When Max Element Appears Atleast K Times.
30. Subarrays With K Different Integers.
31. Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds.