
Using IBM Watson services

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Give it a try! Its all about animals.

NLP Services

[Github] https://github.com/pradyumnad/CS560-T7 [Bluemix] http://nlpservices.mybluemix.net/

SPARQL for querying data

List of questions/tasks for the application. Console http://dbpedia.org/sparql

  1. Show me Snake

         ?x0 rdf:type ?type.
         FILTER(regex(?type, "Animal", "i")) .
         ?x0 rdfs:label "Snake"@en.
         ?x0 foaf:depiction ?image.
  2. What is Dog ?

         ?x0 rdf:type ?type.
         FILTER(regex(?type, "Animal", "i")) .
         ?x0 rdfs:label "Snake"@en.
         ?x0 rdfs:comment ?comment.
         FILTER(langMatches(lang(?comment), "EN")) .
  3. What is Wikipedia link for Dog ?

         ?x0 rdf:type ?type.
         FILTER(regex(?type, "Animal", "i")) .
         ?x0 rdfs:label "Penguin"@en .
         ?x0 prov:wasDerivedFrom ?x1.
  4. What is lifespan of "Labrador Retriever" ?

     SELECT *
     WHERE {
         ?x0 dbpprop:name "Labrador Retriever"@en .
         ?x0 rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Species .
         ?x0 dbpprop:lifeSpan ?lifespan
     SELECT *
     WHERE {
      <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Golden_Retriever> dbpprop:lifeSpan ?object
     SELECT *
     WHERE {
      ?x0 dbpprop:name "Labrador Retriever"@en .
      ?x0 rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Species .
      ?x0 dbpprop:lifeSpan ?lifespan .
      ?x0 dcterms:subject ?subjects .
  5. Who is creator of Jerry Mouse ?

  6. List all mouse characters.

     SELECT *
     WHERE {
         ?x0 dbpedia-owl:species ?class .
         FILTER(regex(?class, "mouse", "i")) .

-- Select Countries and population

    PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
    PREFIX type: <http://dbpedia.org/class/yago/>
    PREFIX prop: <http://dbpedia.org/property/>

    SELECT ?country_name ?population
    WHERE {
        ?country a type:LandlockedCountries ;
                 rdfs:label ?country_name ;
                 prop:populationEstimate ?population .
        FILTER (?population > 150000) .
        FILTER(langMatches(lang(?country_name), "EN")).

Getting Started

  1. Create a Bluemix Account

    Sign up in Bluemix, or use an existing account. Watson Services in Beta are free to use.

  2. Download and install the Cloud-foundry CLI tool

  3. Edit the manifest.yml file and change the <application-name> to something unique.

- services:
  - speech-to-text-service
  name: <application-name>
  command: node app.js
  path: .
  memory: 128M

The name you use will determinate your application url initially, e.g. <application-name>.mybluemix.net.

  1. Connect to Bluemix in the command line tool.
$ cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net
$ cf login -u <your user ID>
  1. Create the Speech to Text service in Bluemix.
$ cf create-service speech_to_text free speech-to-text-service
  1. Push it live!
$ cf push

See the full Getting Started documentation for more details, including code snippets and references.

Running locally

The application uses [Node.js][http://nodejs.org/] and [npm][https://www.npmjs.com/] so you will have to download and install them as part of the steps below.

  1. Copy the credentials from your speech-to-text-service service in Bluemix to app.js, you can see the credentials using:

    $ cf env <application-name>

    Example output:

      "speech_to_text": [{
          "credentials": {
            "url": "<url>",
            "password": "<password>",
            "username": "<username>"
        "label": "speech-to-text",
        "name": "speech-to-text-service",
        "plan": "free"

    You need to copy username, password and url.

  2. Install Node.js

  3. Go to the project folder in a terminal and run: npm install

  4. Start the application

  5. node app.js

  6. Go to http://localhost:3000


To troubleshoot your Bluemix app the main useful source of information are the logs, to see them, run:

$ cf logs <application-name> --recent


This sample code is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in LICENSE.



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